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Why Us

With Lola Koala's Travel Adventures books, you & your little explorer can:


Why are 'WH' and 'Yes/No' Questions Important for My  Child to Learn?


Answering these questions will increase your child's:

  •  vocabulary  skills

  • ability to form clear, complete and more complex sentences

  • ability to understand spoken and written language

  • development of verbal reasoning skills

  • curiosity for learning

  • ability to meet (and potentially exceed!) the  expectations of school

4 Easy   Ways

to Grow

Language Skills

With Lola Koala!

Build Language Skills


(with tips from the author, a

speech-language pathologist!)

Access Fun Resources

Learn About World Cultures

Make Reading & Learning Interactive 

Earn Passport Stamps!


About the Book Series

Lola Koala is an explorer who loves to travel the world. Join her on her many adventures as she helps your child to develop foundational language skills along the way!


Each "Lola Koala's Travel Adventures" book is designed to teach children (ages 2-6 years) a specific language skill. Because this series was created by a speech-language pathologist, you can be sure that you are supporting your child's communication and language skills with each read! 


Since each book also centers around a new and exciting travel adventure, your child is also introduced to travel concepts that only enhance their learning experience! It's a 2-for-1 AWESOME adventure!


For even MORE fun, check out the many useful resources and companion items (like your very own passport booklet and stamps) by visiting the 'Shop' page!


Join the adventure & grow your child's language skills today! LolaKoalaExplorer

Meet Lola Koala

Meet Lola

lola koala waving no background.png

Hi! I'm Lola Koala and I LOVE to have fun learning new things! I'm also an explorer and I'm always looking for great friends who want to travel and learn with me! There are so many fun things to learn and new places to see- won't you come along? Open up your favorite Lola Koala book and join me on a great adventure today!


“What a wonderful addition to your library for any family with small children!"

Denise T., Mom of 3

FREE Resources

Keep the Learning Going With These Great Resources


Create a FREE account to access these helpful strategies, tips, interactive materials and more!

Meet the Author

Tinita O. Kearney, Ph.D., CCC-SLP/L



Hello there! Welcome to the exciting world of Lola Koala, world explorer! I am thrilled to lead you and your family on the many adventures that Lola Koala embarks upon, and I am even more excited to help you teach your little one many important language skills along the way! 


As a pediatric speech-language pathologist (SLP), I work daily with little ones to increase their speech and language skills. Now, while I do have many superpowers 😉, no amount of work that I put in can ever compare to the BIG impact that YOU will have on your child. This means that the biggest way to help the kiddos that I work with is to help their families to support and build their speech and language skills at home.


The name of the game is EMPOWER and that is exactly what I hope to do for families with each "Lola Koala's Travel Adventures" book! I have created a book series that aims to help families work on some language skills that I target often with children in my own therapy practice. Some of these skills include: answering questions, following directions and categorizing, to name a few. It is my mission to use the "Lola Koala's Travel Adventures" book series to empower your little explorer (and you, the parent!), to grow together!


So grab your passports and embark on a journey to better language skills with Lola Koala as she teaches your child about new places, encourages him/her to explore, and teaches him/her important language skills as he/she collects clues to guess where in the world Lola has traveled to this time!


Happy learning!

-Dr. Kearney aka Dr. T.

Meet the Author
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